“I see your true colors shining through
II see your true colors and that’s why I love you
So don’t be afraid to let them show
Your true colors are beautiful like a rainbow.”*
I am hearing the word “roots” a lot lately and not in reference to Alex Hailey or even genealogy. With hairdressers and barbers closed, hair care has become personal again. Miss Clairol is flying off the shelves and I am pretty sure not just for the included plastic gloves.
Even those of us who are too young to worry about root color or those like me, who have embraced the gray, weeks without a haircut has produced some pretty remarkable “Do’s”.
I went out in the wind the other day and when I caught my reflection in the mirror, I looked like central casting’s version of a Roman senator. I believe that they solved the problem by wearing laurel wreaths. While I found a couple of plastic holly wreaths in the garage, Cheryl said that holly was just not my color so I guess I will have to let nature have its unruly way with me.
I was innocently watching broadcast television Saturday when Dr. Phil appeared with a public service announcement about the Corona Virus. He was broadcasting from home without the team of professionals who usually make sure he is at his best. He looked like a bad selfie on a bad day. Even our homebound stars are looking like real people without a team of make-up artists and soft-focus filters.
Here’s the dealeo. We are all looking like that and it will get worse. I forsee proliferation of the “man bun” and the return of the natural and the mullet and the early Elvis “ducktail with a waterfall”. (I only write this having cornered the Brylcreem market.)
What can we do? Let it grow, let it grow, let it grow. (I found some similar lyrics while looking for the holly wreath) I can accept your look if you can accept mine. We will get better when the quarantine is lifted and the hairdressers, not the health care workers are overworked.
With my laurel and a hearty imaginary fist bump,
Be safe, cover your cough but unleash your coif.
*”True Colors” 1986 written by Tom Kelly & Billy Steinberg. Recorded by both Cyndi Lauper and Phil Collins